Top Erector Spinae Exercises | Strengthen Your Back!

Are you looking to strengthen your back and improve your overall posture? One important muscle group to target is the erector spinae muscles, also known as the back strap muscles. These muscles, located on each side of your vertebral column, play a crucial role in keeping your spine erect and stable. Weak erector spinae muscles can lead to poor posture, back pain, and shoulder discomfort. To avoid these issues and achieve a stronger and healthier back, it’s essential to incorporate specific exercises that target the erector spinae muscles into your fitness routine.

In this article, we will explore some of the top erector spinae exercises, including exercises you can do at home, exercises specifically designed to target lower back pain, exercises that require no equipment, exercises suitable for seniors, as well as bodyweight exercises for spinal erector training. By incorporating these exercises into your workout routine and maintaining proper form, you can effectively strengthen your erector spinae muscles and support a stronger, healthier back.

Erector Spinae Exercises at Home

You can strengthen your erector spinae muscles from the comfort of your own home, without the need for any equipment. Incorporating these exercises into your routine will help you improve back strength and stability, while also promoting good posture.

Wall Squat

The wall squat is a simple yet effective exercise that targets the erector spinae muscles. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart, a few inches away from a wall. Place your hands flat against the wall at shoulder height, and then slowly squat down while maintaining good form. Make sure your knees stay in line with your toes and your back remains flat against the wall. Hold this position for a few seconds before rising back up. Repeat for several repetitions.

Back Extension

The back extension exercise is another excellent way to engage and strengthen your erector spinae muscles. Begin by lying face down on a mat or comfortable surface. Place your hands behind your head, with your elbows pointing outward. Engage your glutes and lift your upper body off the ground, focusing on using your back muscles to perform the movement. Pause at the top for a moment before slowly lowering back down. Aim for a controlled and fluid motion throughout the exercise.

Superman Exercise

The Superman exercise is particularly effective for targeting the erector spinae muscles and improving overall back strength. Start by lying face down on a mat, with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight. Simultaneously lift your upper body and legs off the ground, aiming to create a “flying” posture like Superman. Hold this position briefly, engaging your back muscles, before returning to the starting position. Repeat for several repetitions, focusing on maintaining proper form and controlled movements.

To optimize the benefits of these exercises, consider incorporating them into a regular workout routine. Performing them a few times a week, along with other back exercises, can help to strengthen and tone your erector spinae muscles over time.

erector spinae exercises at home

Erector Spinae Exercises for Lower Back Pain

If you experience lower back pain, incorporating erector spinae exercises into your routine can help alleviate discomfort and strengthen your back.

The bird dog exercise is particularly beneficial for lower back pain. Get on your hands and knees, extend your right arm and left leg simultaneously, and engage your core to maintain stability. This exercise targets the erector spinae muscles while also promoting spine stabilization.

Another effective exercise is the glute bridge. Lie on your back with your knees bent, lift your hips off the ground, and squeeze your glutes. The glute bridge not only activates the erector spinae muscles but also engages the posterior chain, which includes the muscles in your lower back.

erector spinae exercises for lower back pain

By including these erector spinae exercises in your routine, you can target the muscles that contribute to lower back pain and strengthen your back for improved support and stability.

Erector Spinae Exercises with No Equipment

You don’t need any equipment to strengthen your erector spinae muscles. Bodyweight exercises can be just as effective. Incorporating these exercises into your routine will help improve back strength and stability. Here are two bodyweight exercises that target the erector spinae muscles:

1. Prone W’s Exercise

The prone W’s exercise is a great option for strengthening the erector spinae muscles. To perform this exercise:

    • Lie face down on the ground.
    • Lift your chest off the ground while reaching your arms back.
    • Squeeze your shoulder blades together.

2. Cobra Pose

The cobra pose is another effective bodyweight exercise for the erector spinae muscles. Here’s how to do it:

    • Lie face down with your palms on the ground underneath your shoulders.
    • Lift your upper body while keeping your gaze down.

These erector spinae exercises require no equipment and can be easily incorporated into your home workout routine. Remember to perform exercises with proper form and listen to your body to avoid injury. By consistently including these exercises in your workouts, you can strengthen your back muscles and support a healthy spine.

erector spinae exercises no equipment

Erector Spinae Exercises for Seniors

As seniors, it is important to prioritize the health and strength of our backs. Incorporating erector spinae exercises into our fitness routine can help maintain a strong and healthy back, improving overall mobility and quality of life. Let’s explore two effective exercises specifically designed to strengthen the erector spinae muscles:

Seated Dumbbell Good Mornings

The seated dumbbell good mornings are a safe and effective exercise that can be performed by seniors. To start, sit on the edge of a bench and hold a pair of dumbbells between your thighs. Lean forward from your hips while maintaining a flat back, and lower the dumbbells towards the floor. Keep your core engaged throughout the movement and focus on the contraction of your erector spinae muscles. Return to the starting position by raising the dumbbells back up. Repeat for a set of 10-12 repetitions.

erector spinae exercises for seniors

Standing Barbell Good Mornings

The standing barbell good mornings are another effective exercise for seniors looking to strengthen their erector spinae muscles. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and place a barbell across your shoulders, gripping it with a wider grip for added stability. Keeping your back straight, lean forward from the hips while maintaining a tight core and engaged erector spinae muscles. Lower the barbell towards the floor, feeling the stretch in your back, and then return to the upright position. Perform 10-12 repetitions of this exercise with proper form and control.

Always consult with a healthcare professional or fitness instructor before starting a new exercise routine, especially if you have any pre-existing conditions or injuries. Remember to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable and confident with the movements. By incorporating these erector spinae exercises into your fitness routine, you can strengthen your back and support overall core stability, promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle in your senior years.

Spinal Erector Training with Bodyweight Exercises

When it comes to strengthening the spinal erectors and improving back strength, bodyweight exercises are highly effective. Incorporating these exercises into your routine can help you achieve a stronger and healthier back without the need for any equipment.

Add the supermans exercise to your workout regimen. Lie on your stomach, lift your chest off the ground, and extend your arms forward. This exercise targets the erector spinae muscles and engages your back muscles. Focus on contracting your back muscles as you lift your chest off the ground, and lower back down with control.

The bird dog exercise is another excellent option for spinal erector training. Get on all fours, with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your knees below your hips. Then, extend one arm forward and the opposite leg backward, maintaining stability and a neutral spine. This exercise engages the erector spinae muscles while improving stability and coordination.

By incorporating these bodyweight exercises into your routine, you can effectively target and strengthen your erector spinae muscles, enhancing overall back strength and stability.

Core Strengthening for a Stronger Spine

A strong core is vital for maintaining a healthy spine and improving posture. In addition to your erector spinae exercises, it’s important to incorporate core strengthening exercises into your routine. These exercises will complement your back workouts and enhance your overall core stability.

One effective core exercise is the plank. This exercise engages not only your abs but also the erector spinae muscles. To perform a plank, assume a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to toe. Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds, focusing on engaging your core.

The cat-cow stretch is another valuable exercise for targeting the core and promoting spinal flexibility and mobility. Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Inhale, arch your back, and lift your head towards the ceiling (the cow pose). Exhale, round your back, and tuck your chin to your chest (the cat pose). Repeat this sequence several times.

Remember to maintain proper form and listen to your body during these exercises. Consistently incorporating core strengthening exercises into your routine will not only strengthen your core but also improve your posture and support a stronger spine.


Strengthening your erector spinae muscles is crucial for maintaining good posture, alleviating back pain, and improving overall back strength and stability. By incorporating a variety of erector spinae exercises into your fitness routine, including bodyweight exercises, exercises at home, and exercises aimed at specific goals such as targeting lower back pain or improving core strength, you can effectively fortify your back and support a stronger spine.

Remember to perform these exercises with proper form and listen to your body to avoid injury. Consistency is key, so make sure to include erector spinae exercises in your workouts on a regular basis. With dedication and effort, you can strengthen your erector spinae muscles and enjoy the benefits of a healthier and more resilient back.

Take charge of your back health today and start incorporating erector spinae exercises into your fitness routine. Strengthening your erector spinae muscles, along with core stability exercises and other back strengthening exercises, will not only improve your posture but also enhance your overall well-being. Invest in your back and reap the rewards of a stronger, more stable, and pain-free spine.


What are erector spinae exercises?

Erector spinae exercises are specifically designed exercises that target and strengthen the erector spinae muscles, which are responsible for extending, laterally tilting, and twisting the spine while keeping it erect. These exercises are essential for maintaining a strong and stable back.

Can I do erector spinae exercises at home?

Yes, you can strengthen your erector spinae muscles at home without the need for any equipment. There are various exercises such as wall squats, back extensions, and Superman exercises that can be done effectively at home.

Are there specific erector spinae exercises for lower back pain?

Yes, incorporating erector spinae exercises into your routine can help alleviate lower back pain. Exercises like the bird dog exercise and glute bridge are particularly beneficial for targeting the erector spinae muscles and relieving lower back discomfort.

Can I do erector spinae exercises without any equipment?

Absolutely, you don’t need any equipment to strengthen your erector spinae muscles. There are various bodyweight exercises, such as the prone W’s exercise and cobra pose, that can effectively activate the erector spinae muscles and improve overall back strength.

Are there specific erector spinae exercises for seniors?

Yes, erector spinae exercises are beneficial for seniors to maintain a strong and healthy back. Exercises like seated dumbbell good mornings and standing barbell good mornings are suitable for seniors and can help strengthen the erector spinae muscles.

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